eLearning (BYOD)


Digital devices are a crucial tool in 21st-century learning that give students access to many learning opportunities. Digital fluency is being increasingly recognised as a vital skill for students, and this is reflected in the implementation of the Digital Technologies Hangarau Matihiko curriculum across New Zealand.

We want to assure you that in no way will all school work be done on computers. Practical experience will still be a crucial part of the learning journey for our students, particularly in subjects like Physical Education, Technology and Science, where practical, written work will still be done, as students in the short term will still have written examinations.

What we are moving towards is a blended approach of digital and traditional methods; and this is mirrored in many schools across New Zealand now.

Students will need a Windows-capable machine.The key feature we have identified is a battery life in excess of 8 hours. Boys will not have access to charging facilities in every

All new students will start the year with an introduction to digital citizenship that will focus on building resilience, keeping safe online and how to access and use the school’s online tools.

SBHS Device Requirements

  • Windows capable operating system (macOS is fine)
  • Small size (13”, 14” or 15”)
  • Battery life in excess of 8 hours if possible
  • A solid state hard drive (preferred for durability)
  • A case to protect the device
  • Small headphones

Please note that we do not support Linux machines, Chromebooks or tablets as BYOD devices in the classroom.



To ensure all students have access to appropriate technological resources, SBHS offers the following:

  • A pool of daily loan devices, issued through the library
  • A pool of long term loan devices, available by week, term or year


Our school learning management system is Canvas. This is accessed at https://shirley.instructure.com. We have moved to an online environment where all courses will have their teaching resources and assessments hosted in this location. Parents will have access to all of the learning that their sons will take part in.

OFFICE 365 and Google Apps

The school uses Single Sign On, so a student logon will have access to the full range of Google and O365 education apps, including the ability to download and use on BYOD devices. 


KAMAR is our Student Management System, where attendance and assessment information is kept. Parents are able to access all information about their son, through the Parent Portal.


New Era IT are our onsite support staff and can assist with IT problems. Hardware problems are to be addressed via warranty.