As well as our traditional Academic Scholarship which is awarded to the prospective student who scores the highest on the CV Gallagher Scholarship examination, for students starting in 2025 there is also the opportunity to gain the “CV Gallagher Creative Shirley Scholarship” and the “CV Gallagher Spartan Sport Scholarship”. There are also additional scholarships awarded annually, the details of these can be found below.
C V Gallagher Academic scholarship Exam
Date and Time TBC
Application forms
CV Gallagher Creative Shirley Music Scholarship
The C V Gallagher Scholarship examination is for Year 8 students intending to enrol at Shirley BHS in 2025. Registrations are now open and will close on Friday 14 June 2024. Information regarding the testing will be emailed after this date.
The student who wins the Scholarship will earn $500 on his school account to defray 2025 expenses and $500 deposited into their account.
The Creative Shirley Music Scholarship made its inaugural award in 2016. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming Year 9 student who shows exceptional talent, ability and potential. The recipient of this scholarship will be expected to make a significant commitment and contribution to the co-curricular aspects of musical performance at Shirley Boys High School.
The scholarship is available to a student who has instrumental ability and/or singing ability. The student will take Music as a timetabled option subject and will have a great passion for all aspects of musical performance.
All boys who are short-listed for consideration must audition. This will consist of a musical performance consisting of two pieces and a discussion over musical direction with key members of the Creative Shirley committee. The audition will last up to 15 minutes in duration. All short-listed students will be notified at least one week before audition.
The Creative Shirley Music Scholarship will contribute to the associated musical advancement of a student’s creative endeavours to the value of $1000.00. Half of this amount will be given to the student in cash, and the other half ($500) will be credited to the students school account. The expectation is that the full amount of these monies will be spent on music related items or expenses at Shirley Boys’ High School.
The student who gains this scholarship will be embraced by great passion, expertise & enthusiasm in all aspects of his education.
Applications for the Creative Shirley Musical Scholarship close at 3pm on Friday 14 June 2024. More information will follow once registration closes.
All decisions made upon the award of this scholarship will be made unanimously by the Music Department, Ms Jane Herman and Mr Rutene Rickard
The CV Gallagher Spartan Sport Scholarship made its inaugural award in 2016. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming Year 9 student who shows exceptional talent, ability & potential. The recipient of this scholarship will be expected to make a significant commitment & contribution to the co-curricular aspects of sporting representation at Shirley Boys’ High School.
The scholarship is available to a student who has significant ability across a multitude of sports. The scholarship will last for 1 year & the recipient expected to maintain standards of fitness & academic performance as expected in line with the Sport Development programme.
All boys short-listed will be invited to SBHS to under-go a day of fitness testing, generic sporting assessment & short interview. The short-listed students will be considered by the Teacher in charge of Sport Development and the Director of Sport. You will be notified one week before assessment day.
The CV Gallagher Spartan Sport Scholarship will contribute to the associated sporting fees attached to a student’s sporting endeavours up to $1000. The student who gains this scholarship will be embraced by great passion, expertise & enthusiasm in all aspects of his education.
Applications for the Spartan Sport Scholarship close at 3pm on Friday 14 June 2024. More information will follow once registration closes. All decisions made upon the award of this scholarship will be made unanimously by the Teacher in charge of Sport Development and by the Director of Spartan Sport.
2024 Scholarship Winners
2025 Tertiary Scholarship Winners
Kun Woo Baek
Kyle Diggs
Will Edwards
University of Otago – Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship