Interest omnium, Recte facere – In everyone’s interest to act rightly
Preparing our rangatahi to succeed in their world
Whakaute – Respect
At Shirley we respect others for who they are, and treat others the way we would want to be treated. We also build whakaute for specific situations, whether inside or outside of school.
Tuakiri – Character
At Shirley we celebrate the unique tuakiri of individuals as well as developing other desirable character strengths.
Better Than Before (BtB)
The value with the greatest presence of mana at our kura. At Shirley we strive to be better than before in everything that we do.
Hononga – Belonging
Hononga at Shirley is knowing who you are, and adding to the past, present, and future mauri of our kura.
Kaea: Taringa whakarongo kia mau!! (Prepare to begin)
Katoa: Hi!!
Kaea: Taringa whaarongo ki raro!! (Crouch)
Katoa: Hi aue Hi!! (Let the leader know you are following his commands)
Kaea: Ko te kura Ōruapaeroa e ngunguru nei (This is Shirley Boys’ ready for action)
Katoa: Au au aue ha Hi!! (Yes)
Kaea: Ko te kura Ōruapaeroa e ngunguru nei (This is Shirley Boy’s ready for action)
Katoa: Au au aue ha I a ha ha !! (Yes)
Kaea: Whakatika ki runga (Reaching up to the sky)
Katoa: Runga runga rawa e
Kaea: Whakatika ki runga
Katoa: Runga runga rawa e. (Upwards and upwards and onwards)
!a ha ha !. (yes (with power) for power for the school)
Runga, Raro, Roto, Waho ! (Grabbing power from up above, from down below, from inside and from outside)
Karawhiua ki runga e (Throwing my strength up to the heavens)
a ha ha (back to the beginning)
Hi !!!!!!