School Policies and Procedures

SchoolDocs is a website for our school’s policies and procedures and forms.  SchoolDocs updates, modifies or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events and reviews / requests from schools.

The site is organised into policy topics, which outline the Board’s responsibilities and are based on the Ministry’s National Administration Guidelines.  Below each top-level topic are supporting Policies and procedures.  The site is designed to be a ‘single source of truth’.

To access SchoolDocs go to: 

Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.

Username: shirley

Password: ShirleyMan     (case sensitive)

Policy reviews are done regularly each term as a part of the 3-year review schedule.  Some policies are done by the Board, but the majority are reviewed by both the Board and staff, or the whole school community (Board, staff and parents).  Every term you will receive information in the school newsletter regarding policies that are due for review that term and we would encourage you to have your say and participate in those reviews.