Senior Prizegiving 2023

Senior Prizegiving was held on Thursday 26 October. It was a very successful evening, and we were able to acknowledge a number of top academic and all-around students. 

Below are the winners of the major awards:

Hugh McDougall Rankin Education Trust Award was awarded to Year 13 Felix Hunt.

Junior Hartley Scholar is awarded to a Year 11 student based on character, academic attainment, sport and /or other activities, this was awarded to Tauvata Leota.

Headmasters Prize for Academic Excellence in Year 11 was awarded to Year 11 Tomas Broekhals.

The Year 12 Citizenship Award is awarded based on character, academic attainment, sport and or other activities went to Will Edwards.

The Kirby Prize, awarded for academic excellence in school work and scholarship beyond the classroom at Year 12 went to Joel O’Callaghan.

The Clarrie Ford Award is for a Year 11, 12 or 13 student who has achieved in the face of adversity. This years recipients are Tane and Teakaraupo Pakeha-Heke.

The Garland/Wright Prize is awarded to a Year 13 student for service to the school and to school activities. This Prize was presented to Blair Taylor.

Year 13 Citizenship Prize for students making a significant contribution in Year 13 was awarded to Ryan Scammell.

The Hartley Scholar is awarded for personal attributes of reliability, sincerity, co-operation as a Year 13 student  was presented to Felix Hunt.

The Old Boys Prize is awarded on the basis of character, scholarship, sport and/or prominence in other school activities. This year’s recipient is Reuben Brown.

Proxime Accessit (runner-up to the Dux) is Blair Taylor.

PTA Prize for DUX, and the winner of the John Laurenson Medallion is Felix Hunt.

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